Beginning this Tuesday, we will be opening our Powell County Covid Crisis Center. We will feature a dedicated hotline for information on how to keep yourself safe, staffed with volunteers. Additionally, for our vulnerable population, we will offer pickup and delivery of medications and grocery staples from any of our local grocers. We request that all orders be pre-paid via credit/debit card, or with a gift card, check or money order. Due to public health concerns, we will not be able to accept cash for orders. We ask that you please contact our facility on Tuesday to place your grocery order in advance, and to make any requests regarding medication pickup. We will deliver medications on Tuesdays and groceries on Wednesdays. Initially this program will be limited to 20 persons and will expand as necessary depending on available resources, but your local government is dedicated to ensuring that all of our population feels safe and has their needs met during this difficult time. We will provide the phone number on Tuesday morning via this social media feed, and on WSKV 104.9 FM. Bear with us in the early stages of this program, as any effort this large-scale will require some tweaks, but we look forward to assisting Powell County and working through this together. #TeamKentucky
Public meeting for proposed transportation improvements to KY 213 in Powell County cancelled3/16/2020 Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Department of Highways District 10 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 16, 2020 Contact: H.B. Elkins 606-666-8841 (switchboard) 606-693-5458 (direct) [email protected] Public meeting for proposed transportation improvements to KY 213 in Powell County cancelled JACKSON, Ky. – The public informational meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 19 in Stanton to discuss a proposed KY 213 transportation project has been cancelled. On March 6, Gov. Andy Beshear issued Executive Order 2020-215, declaring a state of emergency regarding COVID-19. In an effort to support the welfare and health of the residents of the Commonwealth, the meeting will be rescheduled. For immediate release:
Contact: Bridget Foster Clark Regional Medical Center Director, Marketing and Communications 502-370-5597 [email protected] COVID-19: What Clark Regional Medical Center is Doing and What You Can Do It probably feels as if coronavirus – or as it is officially known, COVID-19 – is all anyone is talking about these days. As COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses like the seasonal flu continue to spread across the U.S., you also may feel a certain level of concern over how this disease could affect you or your loved ones, or if your local healthcare provider is prepared to respond to any local cases that may arise. That’s certainly understandable and natural. We want to provide you with essential information outlining what we are doing to stay prepared and offer you guidance on what you can do to help protect yourself, your family and our community. What we are doing Clark Regional Medical Center (CRMC) is committed to providing the highest quality care and ensuring the safety of our patients, employees, providers, volunteers and visitors at all times. While COVID-19 is new, effectively responding to other infectious diseases is not. We have tested processes and plans in place to respond to situations involving infectious disease year-round. Here is what we are doing to stay ready and effectively respond to COVID-19: · We continue to work closely with the Clark County Health Department, Kentucky Department of Public Health, and follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure that we are prepared with appropriate plans to detect, protect and respond should anyone in our community contract or be exposed to COVID-19. · We have a robust emergency operations plan in place and are reviewing and proactively completing a number of preparation checklists out of an abundance of caution. · We have hand hygiene products easily accessible throughout our facility. · We are screening patients in our emergency department, inpatient units and outpatient clinics based on CDC guidance. · Staff treating a potential COVID-19 case are provided with all appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent exposure. · Patients with respiratory or COVID-19-related symptoms are immediately provided masks to wear to help prevent exposure to others. · In the event that we identify a potential COVID-19 case, we will follow all CDC guidelines for placing that individual in isolation for their care and for the protection of other patients, employees and visitors. · We have implemented visitor restrictions at our facility as follows: o People with fever, cough, sore throat or other flu-like symptoms are not permitted to visit unless you are seeking care. o People who have traveled to a high-risk area for COVID-19 or had contact with a person known to be infected with COVID-19 are not permitted to visit o In accordance with guidance from the Kentucky Department of Public health (KDPH), we are also restricting all visitors from entering our transitional care unit unless they are visiting an individual receiving end-of-life care. These measures are in place to protect our facility and our community. Please know that our providers and clinical teams are well-trained and prepared to manage outbreaks of infectious diseases, including COVID-19, seasonal flu and other respiratory illnesses. CRMC follows guidance from our local health department, the Kentucky Department for Public Health (DPH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding precautions and testing. We recommend the public continue to follow these trusted sources for the latest information. What you can do It’s easy to feel helpless when faced with a barrage of news reports and social media updates regarding COVID-19. The good news is that there are some key steps you can take to help protect you and your loved ones and help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19: · Avoiding close contact with people who are sick · Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth · Staying home when you are sick · Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in the trash · Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces, including your phone, computer, remote controls and doorknobs · Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing · Using an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available (Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty) · Practicing social distancing behaviors, including working from home, avoiding public gatherings and unnecessary travel, and maintaining a distance of approximately six feet from others when possible. What to do if you are experiencing symptoms First and foremost - if you are having a medical emergency, you should call 911 or go directly to the Emergency Room. If possible, notify the dispatch agent that your emergency involves symptoms possibly related to COVID-19. For non-emergency needs, if you need medical attention due to respiratory illness symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) and plan to visit our hospital, your primary care provider or an urgent clinic, please call the Kentucky Department of Public Health COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-722-5725 before you go and let them know that you are experiencing symptoms that may possibly be related to COVID-19. This will allow providers to properly prepare for your visit and take the necessary precautions to keep others from being infected or exposed. Please be reassured that our number one priority is the health and well-being of our community – and that includes you. We are prepared to manage an outbreak of respiratory illness, and we encourage you to follow the guidance above and stay tuned to updates from the CDC to help protect you and your loved ones. Keeping our community healthy is a community effort, and we are committed to doing everything we can to keep our community healthy today and for generations to come. For more information and to stay abreast of the latest updates on COVID-19, you can visit and |
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